11 blogging skills that every blogger requires

11 blogging skills that every blogger  requires 

11 blogging skills that every blogger requires. Whether or not you agree, blogging is one of the best ways to make money online. Many people have to build a full-stack blogging business and are minting huge income via it. So, if you are looking for the best blogging skills to learn in 2021 then you have come to the right place. 


In this blog post, we’ll take you through 11 top-rated blogging skills that every blogger must have in 2021. 


Whether you are starting with a new blog or looking forward to growing your existing blog, you must have blogging skills to achieve your goals. Improving your blogging skills or acquiring new skills requires a lot of time and hard work. 


However, we have good news for you. 


There are some blogging skills you already have and which originally sparked your interest in blogging. You may be good at writing, networking, or relationship building. Or, you may also be good with marketing and SEO. 


Even if you don’t have any of these skills, you don’t need to worry because you can easily learn and master all these blogging skills at ease. 


Also, this guide on blogging skills will surely help a lot. 


1. SEO


SEO is the blogging skill that every blogger must have. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving the website’s ranking on Google. With the help of SEO, you can take your blog traffic and rankings to the next level. 


Check out any top-rated blogger like Neil Patel or Brian Dean, all of them have one thing in common. They are all good at SEO


Without having SEO skills you cannot think of starting a successful blog. 


SEO is something that will help you in growing, scaling, and improving the profitability of your blog. With the help of SEO, you can also leverage affiliate marketing and make money online. 


Many bloggers find SEO too technical and difficult to learn. However, this is not the case. Anyone can learn about SEO without even having technical knowledge. Following are the ways by which you can learn about SEO. 



2. Content writing


Next to SEO, content writing is another blogging skill that every blogger must learn. Without having good content writing skills, you cannot think of scaling and growing your blog to the next level. You must know how to structure your content, layout, what words to include and avoid, and all the other relevant and important things. 


No, you don’t need to be a professional writer in order to scale your blog, but you should know about the basics of content writing. Whatever content you make, it should be readable and your readers must be able to understand it easily. 


Also, you need to focus on creating content with no grammatical mistakes. We have seen a lot of bloggers who make silly grammar and spelling mistakes that can be avoided. 


You can use tools like Grammarly or ProWritingAid to make sure that your content is free from such errors. 


3. Communication

The next on this list of blogging skills you need to learn is Communication. Every blogger needs to connect with like-minded people in their niche to make relationships and connect with other bloggers. In fact, networking has become an important part of every blogger. 


From scaling the blog into link building, networking can help you with everything that is required to start and grow a successful blog. 


We are a part of a bunch of networking communities where we meet like-minded bloggers in our niche. We collaborate with them and try to grow each other’s blogs. 


However, to do this successfully, we require communication skills. One needs to be very crisp and clear in our communication while outreaching any new bloggers or trying to connect with them. 


This will help you in building new relationships with bloggers in your niche. 


4. Social media skills


With over 3 billion users worldwide, social media is growing at a racing rate. Also, businesses and brands have realized the importance of social media marketing. That’s the reason why, from small-scale startups to large MNCs, everyone is using social media for marketing and promoting. 


If companies and brands can use social media for marketing and promotion then how can bloggers get left behind in the game? 


You’ll come across many social groups, pages, and an Instagram account created by bloggers for marketing and promotion. Even bloggers have realized the importance of social media marketing for growing blogs. 


Social media marketing can help you in improving your blog traffic, brand awareness, affiliate sales, income, and a lot more. That’s the reason you should have good social media marketing skills.


You can improve your social media marketing skills by reading blogs, books, watching videos of social media experts on YouTube


5. Design skills


If you’ve been into blogging for more than a year now, then you might already know the importance of visual content. Gone are the days when people used to consume textual content. Today, more and more people are keen on consuming visual and video content. 


That’s the reason why you should have good designing skills. 


As a blogger, you must include images and visually appealing content in your blog posts. This will not only help you in engaging your readers but will also improve the view counts of your posts. That’s because blogs with images are more likely to get more views as compared to blogs without images. 


So, in order to create good and attractive images or blog posts, you need to level up your designing skills. 


If you are a complete newbie in designing images and visual content, we would suggest you use Canva


6. Marketing 


You agree with this, right?


Marketing is a blogging skill that every blogger must possess. No matter which niche you are in, you must have marketing and promoting skills. Marketing is something that every newbie blogger struggles with. 


They find it difficult to promote their blog in front of the right audience.


Marketing is an important blogging skill because it will help you in turning your blog into a brand. It will help you increase your reach, awareness, presence, traffic, growth, and a lot more. 


So, if you are serious about scaling your blog to the next level, hone your marketing. Networking



The next important blogging skill is networking. This is the only blogging skill that may not immediately come to mind when considering your blog. 


In our opinion, blogging is all about building a community of like-minded people and learning from each other. Apart from helping you grow your blog, networking has also many other benefits. 


In fact, networking has been mentioned as a top skill to develop, by many of the world’s top bloggers in one of the roundup blogging posts. It will also help you build a strong personal brand, increasing your reach, and getting help from others. 


Following are the ways by which you can network with other bloggers in your niche:


  • Blogger outreach campaign. 
  • Follow other bloggers in your niche on social media.
  • Comment on their blog posts.
  • Connect with them on LinkedIn. 


8. Link building


Do you know which is the number 1 ranking factor on Google? It’s backlinks. So, if you want to rank your blog posts quickly on Google, you need to make backlinks. 


However, your focus should be on creating high-quality backlinks and not low-quality ones.


So, what are high-quality links?


High-quality links are those types of links that you get from websites with high DA PA and relevant to your niche. You can get such types of links either by guest posting, blogger outreach, or creating content that helps. 


We won’t recommend you to get links by social bookmarking, directory submission, or forum links. Such links used to work 5-6 years back. They don’t have any value now. Therefore, your focus should be on getting links by the following methods:


  • Guest posting.
  • Blogger outreach.
  • Article submission.
  • Creating epic content.
  • Stealing your competitor’s links.


Follow these 5 techniques and you’ll surely see a spike in your link-building efforts. Also, remember that link building is a continuous activity. You need to build links on a daily basis to get maximum results.


However, we won’t recommend you to overdo link building as Google may consider it spam. 


1-2 two high-quality links per day would be more than enough to build a high authority website. 


9. WordPress


The next blogging skill you need to learn is WordPress. This is the number 1 CMS in the world. Today, over 30% of the websites are made on WordPress and we assume that even you are using WordPress for blogging. If you don’t know anything about WordPress, there are tons of resources that will help you in learning WordPress.


Although you can learn about WordPress on your own, to speed up the learning process, we would recommend you to enroll in a paid course. 


WordPress is not as technical as it seems to be. You can easily master it, provided that you are willing to learn. 


So, make sure that you learn this blogging skill to grow and scale your blog or website


10. HTML


Learning some “code” is possibly the scariest idea to new bloggers who are not engineers or from non-technical backgrounds. But don’t you worry, you don’t have to be a tech genius in order to become a successful blogger. That is not at all required. However, a small or simple understanding of HTML or hypertext markup language will help you in setting yourself apart from the crowd. 


In essence, HTML is a way of changing plain text into something new or different. You can add headers, sub-headers, italics, bold type, colors, and more. WordPress allows you to do a lot of things in your backend editor without ever needing to touch the code, but you can fine-tune these things to a great degree by understanding how a little bit of HTML code functions. HTML can also be used for images, graphics, and videos.


Accessing the HTML editor version of your text can help you fix errors that come up within the more limited (simpler) visual editor. If something doesn’t appear correctly when you preview the blog post, you may be able to fix it with some HTML tweaks—and don’t be afraid to Google search for some HTML customization snippets, you’ll be surprised at what you can do.


11. Hard work and discipline 


The last on this list of blogging skills is hard work and discipline. With hard work and discipline, you cannot think of becoming a top blogger in your niche. These two traits will take you to the level of awesomeness. Both these blogging skills will help you in sticking to your goal and your blogging agenda.


They will help you in creating a successful blog and help you grow it. All the planning that you have done for blogging will fail if you don’t work hard with discipline. 


In order to develop these skills, you need to develop changes, decide your work in advance, and make a blogging plan or roadmap that will take you to success. 


Once you have done this, no one can stop you from becoming a top-rated blogger in your niche.




We agree to the fact that blogging is a tough task. It requires a lot of blood, sweat, and effort to grow a blog and turn it into a business or a money-making machine.


However, with the right blogging skills and mindset, you can surely make a big name and success in the blogging world.


You just need to follow and develop these 11 blogging skills that will surely take your blog to the places where it deserves to be.


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